• Delivery of goods
    1. xenonpc  offers 2 (two) methods of delivery of Goods to you. You may elect delivery via:
      1. courier; or
      2. self-collection.
    2. For more information about delivery, please see our FAQs: Shipping and Delivery, which are incorporated into these Terms by reference. Our delivery charges are subject to change at any time, without prior notice to you, so please check the FAQs for the most up-to-date information. You will see the applicable delivery charges in your cart when you check out.
    3. Where it accepts your order, Xenonpc will deliver the Goods to you as soon as reasonably possible, but no later than 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of your payment (“Delivery Period”). We will notify you if we are unable to deliver the Goods during the Delivery Period. You may then, within 7 (seven) days of receiving such notification elect whether or not to cancel your order for the Goods. If you elect to cancel your order, we will reimburse you for the purchase price.
    4. Xenonpc  obligation to deliver a product to you is fulfilled when we deliver the product to the physical address nominated by you for delivery of the order. Xenonpc is not responsible for any loss or unauthorised use of a product, after it has delivered the product to the physical address nominated by you